EPrint Reports

EPrint reports can be found at https://eprint.unm.edu/cgi-bin/eprint.cgi. After you log in, select the appropriate repository and report. Be aware that not all reports may be visible to all users due to their specific BAR roles. Some reports are BAR role sensitive; payroll reports for example.

EPrint Reports are repository specific. Select “Change Repository” if necessary, before trying to access a report. You must be in the correct repository to see and select a report. Most of your reports will be in the Finance Banner-Production(banp) repository.

You will probably use only a very few of these reports. Learn which are most useful to you by looking at the information captured in similar reports.

Available Eprint finance-related reports, their repository, and general contents:

FFPDEPRFixed Assets Depreciation Detail ReportFinance Banner –Production (banp)
FFPOEXTFixed Asset Orig. Tag ExtractFinance Banner –Production (banp)
FGRACCIAccount Index ReportFinance Banner –Production (banp)
FGRACTHAccount Hierarchy ReportFinance Banner -Production (banp)
FGRACTVActivity Codes ReportFinance Banner –Production (banp)
FGRBIEXBank I/F Exception ReportFinance Banner –Production (banp)
FGRCASHBank Interfund Account ControlFinance Banner –Production (banp)
FGRCTRLGL/Subsidiary Ledger ControlFinance Banner –Production (banp)
FGRFNDHFund Hierarchy ReportFinance Banner –Production (banp)
FGRGLEXGrant Ledger Exception ReportFinance Banner –Production (banp)
FGRGRBDGrant Rebuild ProcessFinance Banner –Production (banp)
FGRIDOCIncomplete Document ListingFinance Banner –Production (banp)
FGROPNEOpen Encumbrances ReportFinance Banner –Production (banp)
FGRORGHOrganization Hierarchy ReportFinance Banner –Production (banp)
FGRPRGHProgram Hierarchy ReportFinance Banner –Production (banp)
FGRTBALTrial BalanceFinance Banner –Production (banp)
FGRTBEXTrial Balance Exception ReportFinance Banner -Production (banp)
FRRBILLResearch Accounting Billing ProcessFinance Banner –Production (banp)
FRRGITDGrant Inception to Date ReportFinance Banner –Production (banp)
FRRGRNTDeferred Grant ProcessFinance Banner –Production (banp)
FRRINVSResearch Accounting Billing Preview reportFinance Banner –Production (banp)
FURFEEDFinance Feed Sweep ProcessFinance Banner -Production (banp)
FZRCFPDClose Fiscal PeriodFinance Banner –Production (banp)
FZRCRBDChart of Accounts Elemen RebuildFinance Banner –Production (banp)
FZRENCCUNM Encumbrance CancellationsFinance Banner –Production (banp)
FZRGAUDGrant Setup Audit reportFinance Banner –Production (banp)
FZRGPMUGrant Personnel Mass UpdateFinance Banner –Production (banp)
FZRIDPGIncomplete Document Purge ListingFinance Banner –Production (banp)
FZRLBDVLabor Distribution ValidationFinance Banner –Production (banp)
FZRLEGIUNM Legacy Interface to BannerFinance Banner –Production (banp)
FZROFPDOpen Fiscal PeriodFinance Banner –Production (banp)
FZRPINVPROBLEM INVOICES REPORTFinance Banner –Production (banp)
FZRSUSPUNM Finance SuspenseFinance Banner –Production (banp)
FZRUDOCEnd of Month Unapproved Document Roll ListingFinance Banner –Production (banp)
FCRUNAPUNM Allow Grant Unapplication of PaymentFinance Banner –Production (banp)
TFRVBILLBilling StatementsFinance Banner –Production (banp)
TGRAGESAging Analyses ReportFinance Banner -Production (banp)
TGRAPPLApplication of PaymentFinance Banner -Production (banp)
TGRCLOSCashier Session CloseFinance Banner - Production (banp)
TGRCSHRCashier Detail ReportFinance Banner -Production (banp)
TGRFEEDAccounting Feed ProcessFinance Banner -Procution (banp)
TGRRCONA/R Reconciliation ReportFinance Banner –Production (banp)
TRRRCONReconciliation ReportFinance Banner -Production (banp)
TRRUNPLUnapplied Payments Listing ReportFinance Banner –Production (banp)
TVPREQACreate Title IV Auth from ReqFinance Banner –Production (banp)
TZRBILLUNM Account Receivable InvoicesFinance Banner –Production (banp)