Purchasing and Accounts Payable Overview

a. Purchasing

The University of New Mexico’s Purchasing Department is located in the University Business Center, suite 2600. PCard and Vendor Maintenance are located in suite 2400. The Purchasing Department’s homepage is located at https://purchase.unm.edu, where you will find important procurement information, answers to common questions, directions to the office and staff contact information. The following are some of the functions the Purchasing Department performs for the University.

  • The University of New Mexico’s Purchasing Department is the central purchasing authority for issuing Purchase Orders for all goods over $10,000 and services over $5,000 for Main Campus, the Health Sciences Center and the branch campuses.
  • Purchasing facilitates the expenditure of $170,000,000 per year!

b. Accounts Payable

The Accounts Payable department is located in the University Business Center, suite 2600. The Accounts Payable homepage is located at https://acctspay.unm.edu, where you will find important Accounts Payable information, answers to common questions, directions to the office and staff contact information. The following are some of the functions the Accounts Payable department performs for the University.

  • Issues all checks for the payment of goods and services received by the University.
  • Accounts Payable processes 95,000 payments annually!

The Accounts Payable department is responsible for payment of all vendor invoices. Invoices must reference a unique invoice number and are required to be submitted directly to the Accounts Payable department at the following address:

University of New Mexico
Accounts Payable Department
P.O. Box 4548
Albuquerque, NM 87196-4548

If an invoice is forwarded directly to a department other than Accounts Payable, payment may be delayed.

Invoices cannot be paid without a valid Purchase Order number. The Purchase Order number must be referenced on all invoices and supporting documentation. If the vendor invoice does not evidence a UNM Purchase Order number it will be returned to the vendor with a letter indicating it cannot be processed. This may further delay payment.