Purchasing Card

This section contains some basic information about the University of New Mexico’s Purchasing Card program. If you are interested in having a Purchasing Cardholder in your department, an online training course is available through the Employee and Organizational Development office that covers the P-Card policies and procedures in greater detail.

The Purchasing Card program is a process that has been implemented throughout the University of New Mexico. The Purchasing Card is a tool issued to individuals for the purpose of making purchases on behalf of the University. The University will submit payment to the issuing bank for approved purchases made using the P-Card.

The P-Card program is intended to simplify the procurement and payment process and reduce total acquisition cost. Additionally, it provides users with greater purchasing flexibility. Under the Purchase Order system it is not unusual for acquisition cost (requisitioning, approving, purchasing, receiving, A/P, etc.) to add between 15% and 40% to the cost of goods, particularly on low dollar transactions. The potential for savings is substantial!

With any procurement process, there is a risk factor. Risk is managed by establishing a process that has a formal review and periodic audits. The Purchasing Card program is a controlled process with most of the responsibility for control placed at the user level.

Approved uses of the Purchasing Card

The P-Card may be used to procure approved materials, supplies and non-capital equipment not exceeding $20,000 with any vendor that accepts Visa and that is not restricted by the University. The card may also be used for allowable services not exceeding $20,000.

  • Both restricted and unrestricted index codes may be used on the P-Card.
  • The Dean, Director or individual with budgetary responsibility for the indices will determine the limits for the cardholder. A cardholder can be limited to a maximum number of transactions on a daily basis, a monthly basis, or both. A cardholder can also have a daily or monthly dollar limit.