Definitions and Explanations

Account – An account is the four digit number that represents the place revenue or expense is recorded in Banner.  For example, 3100 is the account code for Office Supplies Expense.  You can find a list of UNM accounts, and their definitions, at Account Codes and Definitions.

Source documents – These are original documents, or copies of original documents.  They are the documents that validate that an expense occurred.  They may be UNM Bookstore receipts for merchandise purchased.  They may be Internal Invoices from UNM Service Centers.  They may be copies of DPIs or copies of invoices from outside vendors.  They may have explanatory e-mails or other documents like seminar registration forms attached to them.  Other source documents include P-card receipts/reports, internal UNM Purchase requisitions, Purchase requisitions, Blanket Purchase requisitions, and Non-Standard Payment forms.  This list is not inclusive.

Index – An Index is the six digit number that accumulates revenue and expenses, in accounts, for a given project.  The index may be unrestricted; such as one for Instruction & General funding.  The index may be restricted and associated with a grant.  All expenses for a given index should be reconciled each month.

Post - An item is posted in Banner when it has been recorded in the accounting data base.  Only posted items appear on Banner accounting reports

 internal Files – Internal Files are the files you set up to make your job easier.  For Account Reconciliation, these will work:

Uncleared Folders – For each index create an Uncleared manila folder.  This folder place copies of source documents for each expense for that index as these expenses occur. Attach these source documents to the reconciliation and move them to the Account Reconciliation Folder at month end. 

Payroll Folders – For each index create a Payroll manila folder.  In this folder place copies of all Payroll reports/documentation each month. Attach these to the reconciliation and move them to the Account Reconciliation Folder at month end.

Index Reconciliation Folders – For each index create a manila Index Reconciliation Folder.  In this folder place your completed index reconciliation package each month.  This consists of:

  1. The completed Index Reconciliation Summary. This form can be accessed at
  2. The My Reports Detail Report [FOROLDS].  You have checked off the amounts on this report and the amounts on your source documents as you reconciled the index.
  3. The payroll report/documentation.  You checked off the detail on the payroll report, and made sure the detail matches the internal detail from your department documentation concerning who is to be charged, and what percentage of their salary is to be charged to this index.
  4. The source documents and any related schedules created in your department for expenses.  You have checked off the detail on these and on your Detail MyReports Report.

These are stapled together each month to form a monthly reconciliation package for each index.  This is your completed index reconciliation package.  This is filed in your Index Reconciliation Folder each month.

Put the group of each index’s folders in a green hanging folder, labeled for that index.  Now you have all your information for each index easily accessible.

PI- Principal Investigator.  This is the primary person in charge of a grant.  He or she may have multiple grants.  Each grant has at least one index and may have more than one.