On-Campus Providers

Below is a sample list of departments providing a variety of goods and services that are available on-campus. Departments are encouraged to contact these on-campus suppliers for their needs. Phone numbers are listed when available but department websites provide information about they goods and services they provide.

  • Facilities Management (277-2425) – Building maintenance and repair, remodeling, custom sheet metal and carpentry work, refrigeration repair, motor pool, locksmith and custodial services.
  • Bookstores Main Campus (277-5451) and Medical/Legal (272-5827) – Office supplies and books.
  • Media Technology Services (277-6151) – Audio/Visual equipment rental, video production services, graphics services, and film library.
  • UNM Copy Center (277-8267), Library Copy Center (text: 505-431-4711) – High speed copying, binding, collating, shredding, microfiche as well as film copying, folding and cutting.
  • Information Technology Services (ITS) (277-8140) – Hardware and software consulting, software licensing, instruction in mainframe and microcomputer usage, hardware maintenance and help-desk services.
  • Records Management Center – Storage of departmental records, record retention schedules, records retrieval and delivery, paper recycling, shredding, microfilming/microfiche services and filing systems consultations.
  • Marketing and Communication-Main (277-5813) – Public relations, consulting services for publication design and editing and advice/approval of UNM logo.
  • Marketing and Communication -HSC (272-6555) – Assists with all aspects of marketing and promotion for Health Science Center and provides advice/approval of HSC graphic standards and logo usage.
  • Surplus Property (277-2923) – Recycling of University equipment, maintains “want lists” of items needed by UNM departments and screens equipment at other government surplus yards.
  • Employee and Organizational Development (277-1555) – Full range of scheduled workshops and seminars covering administrative and management topics, customized training and organizational development activities, and meeting facilitation and strategic planning assistance.
  • Surplus Chemicals – Selection of new and barely used chemicals free to researchers. Access the database from the Environmental Health & Safety (EHA) web page.
  • CRLS – Chemistry Stores (277-5109) – Chemicals, reagents, laboratory glassware, and small equipment for medical and scientific research. Hazardous chemicals may be purchased from CRLS either from the LoboMart catalog or with an internal purchase requisition.

Many other University departments can provide a variety of goods and services, although such activities are not central to their mission. The buyers in the Purchasing Department may be able to assist you in identifying other on-campus sources.